Rikyuki 2015

One of the events we try to hold each year is Rikyuki, the memorial tea gathering for Sen no Rikyu.tokonoma before flowers

It has become our tradition to begin with hanayose, a group form where each participant arranges the flowers in a different vase. We squeezed in room for nine people this year, still not enough for everyone but it’s a nice way to get a lot of people involved.arranging flowers

Next Ula and Damian made the fire using the sumi shomo form.P1250960P1250968P1250972

Once the fire was burning Aaron made an offering of tea that was placed in the tokonoma.P1250977

Everyone left the tearoom to enjoy a bite of food and then have the yomogimochi sweet that Monika had prepared.P1250980 P1250982

Once back in the tearoom everyone shared both thick and thin tea.P1250985P1250989

To wrap up the day a simple kagetsu was carried out.P1250996

It’s was a great pleasure to herald in the Spring as well as remember the father of our modern wabi tea practice. We wish that everyone can enjoy the warming season and the company of friends and family.P1250978